Send us your word(s) and/or expression(s) for analysis at:
Price: $500.00 per analyzed word/expression. The analysis covers all 1125 categories included in Google Trends.
Delivery time: 4 working days from the date of receipt of the payment in our PayPal account
Prerequisite: Register an account ($9.95/year)
Required data: Please provide for the analysis your Word/Expression in interest and time interval (month/year to month/year) or specific point of time (month/year)
Report format: Same as the publicly available analyses published in menu 'ANALYSIS' in this website. Your analysis will be presented through menu 'ACCOUNT / CUSTOMIZED ANALYSES' in a screen size comfortable listing by colouring in orange (ups) and blue (downs) only those categories and sub-categories containing disturbances in interest's graphics (not being part of the usual time fluctuations) related to the word/expression sent to us for analysis for the given time interval (period of time) or specified point of time (month and date). Colorization may not be applicable for a given category but for a sub-category of the same category so pleas walk through all categories and sub-categories.
Confidentiality: Analysis will be accessible and visible to you only after logging in your account.